once upon a time there was a cow, not just any cow, a horny cow(should i apologize to those whose bosoms i have hurt badly). the horny cow was just living happily in the world without any problems. Once she was flirting around in a farm when she bumped into a horny bull. The horny bull was a smart ass and son of a big goon, was showing off his diamond studded horns and Gucci belt on his neck. so every one knows what happens when 2 horny creatures meet. after the encounter, our cow whose name is ummm....integration started thinking like any ordinary female and started weaving and was actually lost in the golden world of her own in which integral and the bull,force, will live together.
days and nights went past and their horniness grew stronger and stronger. and force was using the integration.
their love lore came to the eye of bull's father ,majestic majesty pig.pig's name was differential and was against the integration of integration and force.
differential was a major political figure and was very powerful in the society. from ants to squirrels , all approached to him and showed him their loyalty so as to avoid his evil eye on them.
one fine day , both the horny bull, force and the cow, integration were having fun and were creating different instances in space . the game of love was seen by variable singh,a dog and very loyal boot licker of differential.the pig immediately dispatched its army of filthiness,dirt and environmental pollution to the point where the lovers were.
Now because the horny cow was very athletic and healthy since childhood,she survived the attacks and the bull, who was afraid of pig , immediately left her.
cow was devastated, and after some days of rona-dhona she decided to take revenge from the baap-beta . She needed to be powerful to avenge , which was possible with money only. so she started surfing naukari-dila-do.com, badla-waadi-attitude.com etc etc . but nothing came her way. then one of her friend the ass, told her about importance of education. she decided to join IIT/NIT/REC and IIM/FMS/XLRI(for PG ) in a place called India. she took a flight and came to India and joined Electronics engineering .she found many ass, pigs,donkeys,dogs,mules in her college. she didnt actually slogged but maintained a fine balance between her studies and horny life. after 4 years she got her degree and with it she also realized the mistake of her(every one knows people who go for electronics don get a job). furious and adamant ,she build some electromagnetic pulse bombs and blew the building of her college.
now even after 4 years, integration could not contain the power of differential.
dejected and defeated , our protagonist signed upon kuch-bhi-likho.com, and started her blog.
one day her grief grew so strong that she started singing.
her singing was not ordinary, it was not real one she composed imaginary songs and she called them the 'i'(iota) songs. the i songs were imaginary . in ordinary songs music fills ur ears and environment with rhythms and symphonies. but in imaginary songs none of this happened, they were imaginary, nothing happened never ever not a bit, not a sound.
but they were quite famous and mysterious though.
differential the pig , was in planet M one day and was groping for some good music when he saw the 'i' album . he bought it immediately. he went to his barn and switched on his Bose system, inserted the CD , he waited and waited but nothing came. non plussed, he was totally engrossed in unearthing the mystery behind i songs. he studied on google.com and wikipedia about the complex analysis.
aam janta didnt gave much heed to the 'i' album. but pig was adamant.after some splendid effort he knew that i songs were recorded in Argand-planes of India. he immediately took an asteroid to those planes , but incompatibility issues were raised as soon as he reached there. he was always sent off to the real planes, pig got stuck in the infinite loop and the vicious circle of real to imaginary , and perished ultimately.
and our protagonist won finally.
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