Friday, January 15, 2010

helen of sparta...

i just finished watching the movie 'Troy', and brad pitt has justified his selection of the role as achielles-the brutal warrior, treading the path of war in search of glory,to find immortality in the golden pages of history.
i had always a strong interest in reading the epic by the blind but dexterous author of these well known dactylic hexameters.
but as usually,out of laziness ,i didnt bothered to drag my ass to the campus library and grope for this masterpiece in the dusty and colossal shelves,which are holding the myriad books in numbers.
well,i wont digress from the main aim further and come straight to the point.
i watched this movie,and after i finished it,i felt a desire to know more about homer, Iliad, odyssey,achielles,hector,priam and so on.....
artists are god gifted,i must declare,despite all odds and in the absence of vision ,he did something ,which by and large is still known and is considered to be one of the best in the art and literature.
as i was reading through, a thought or rather a memory just struck my mind like a meteor crossing a sky clearly. once when i was in the humanities section,i came across many books on critical appreciation of this and that book by so and so author.and i remember clearly that there were many who did saw the iliad of homer with hawk eye and tried placed those works in the genre of so called critical appreciations.
what i think and believe is that those who try to use their hawk eyes are big bunch of losers, with nothing but posing as a grey shade for the original artists.although,these critical appreciation type too have found their place in syllabus of literature studies.
they seem a decent but a futile effort.and even it risks in falsification of their own effort they did.
what i mean is that,u read a book and then try to reflect on each and every sentence and try to standardize the work by digging out metaphors,hyperboles and oxymoron.
what is the use of it?
rather then ,coming out with your own work is a better option.appreciation,selection,rejection are very relative phenomenon.its not necessary that two persons will perceive the same idea with an even eye. its somewhat very much similar to starting an illogical altercation over the best fruit in the town.
when any person tries to use its hawk eye ,then he is digging his hand inside his head pulling the thoughts out .and the democratic rights allow that person to post his ideas and supplies them to the mass ,and its very much fine to discuss the anthology of whatever one felt about the book.
but when you are forced to read it ,through some prescription in the form of a syllabus,the moment your brain stops working and somebody's else mind and thoughts now preoccupy yours and do actually smother your budding emotions about the work /literature in concern.
the better and more fruitful practice is to rather allow each and every student , to use his instruments such as eyes and brain,which by and large are remained unused under the above said circumstances.
william shakespeare will always be a bard of avon,homer will always be known for his stupendous work,r k narayanan will still have titillating humor in his stories and ayn rand will continue bragging about the stark naked individuality,no matter anyone appreciates them critically or not,they will always remain great.
a better understanding and a tribute to their work will be when you will actually start reading their mosaic creations and will drown in the ever alluring and glittering ocean of the LOGIC !!

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